Harmonizing Water Bottle

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Water Harmonizer Bottle

Tap Water vs. Harmonized Water

Water is arguably the most important nutrient you put in your body. Proper hydration with clean water is the very foundation of your well-being.

Water found in nature has a crisp, beautiful, crystalline structure that your body evolved to assimilate and absorb to meet its needs. But the tap water most of us drink has been damaged by destructive energetic influences as it's cleaned and processed with chemicals and transported to our faucet (see example below). When you drink this water, you drink the destructive energy, absorbing it into your body and its biofield.

The world-renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto pioneered the microscopic analysis of water crystals using high-speed photography. In his book “The Hidden Messages in Water” he famously documented how the molecular structure of water is influenced by external energetic factors such as human emotions, EMF radiation, pollution, etc. Shown here are pictures taken using Dr. Emoto’s technique that show regular tap water compared to tap water harmonized with the Life Harmony Energies bio-resonance process.

Healthy and unhealthy water differs in the way it forms crystalline structures. The more clear and crisp its crystal structure, the easier it is for a living organism to assimilate it into its cells. The crystalline structure also allows more energetic vibrations to be stored in the water and positively influences its surface tension.

Learn more about how the Life Harmony Energies bio-resonance process influences water crystal structure on our Research page.

Watch the video below for more information. Please note, the video shows the previous version of the water bottle which was made in glass. Please see images above for the new upgraded version of the bottle which is made of insulated stainless steel.

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