Research on our Technology
Since the bioresonance technology that powers Life Harmony Energies products happens at the level of quantum energy (aka Life Force Energy), it's not possible to measure it with traditional scientific instruments. The only way to document the effectiveness of the products is to measure changes in their target environment (for example water or the human body).
Throughout the 20 years that our bioresonance process has been in use we've done many tests and studies with such measurements that have indeed documented these changes. Below are the first studies and tests on the Life Harmony Energies products (more are currently underway that will be published as they become available):
- Double-Blind WiFi Radiation Study
- Heart-Rate Variability Study
- Cress Sprouts Growth Test
- Case Study with High-Tech Couple
- Gas Discharge Visualization Test
- Double-Blind Study on No Worries Biofield Therapy
- Water Crystal Analysis of Life Harmony Energies Products
- Beneficial Cellular Effects from My Way Energy
- Electrodermal Research Study
- Ageless Skin Care Study
Double-blind placebo-controlled WiFi radiation study
Please note: the following study was conducted on a bracelet offered on our sister-site, You'll see the research references the "Mobility+ Bracelet" and "EMF Harmony." The technology we use for the Pure Light Cuff and Pure Light Pendant on is exactly the same technology as in the Mobility+ Bracelet, just installed into a different design. The energetic influence remains the same, the look is the only difference.
A third party research institute in Europe conducted a study on the Mobility+ EMF protection bracelet and its protective effects against WiFi radiation, as well as its general health supporting effects even without the presence of EMF radiation. This study uses the gold standard for such research - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled methodology. The study is based on extensive statistical analyses of 5 health measurements taken on 15 test subjects in 5 different testing scenarios. The report concludes that the Mobility+ bracelet demonstrates protective health effects against WiFi radiation - and in addition it demonstrates positive health effects even without the presence of EMF radiation (in other words your health is supported by just wearing it, regardless of your EMF exposure).
Shop products using the EMF technology studied:
Heart Rate Variability Study
Please note: the following study was conducted on a Harmonizer offered on our sister-site, You'll see the research references the "EMF Harmonizer+" and "EMF Harmony." The underlying technology we use for our Carbon+ EMF Harmonizer Chip offered on is the same technology as in the EMF Harmonizer+, just installed into a different material (carbon). The baseline energetic influence remains the same.
The figure below shows measurements taken with a HeartQuest heart rate variability (HRV) device. On the left are baseline readings from a test subject, in the middle are results after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and on the right are results after a 5 minute cell phone call with the EMF Harmonizer+ attached to the phone. The top figures show the test subject’s psycho-emotional state index, which dropped from the baseline 65% to 30% after the unprotected cell phone call, and increased to 70% after using the cell phone with the Harmonizer+ attached (better than baseline). The bottom figures show the subject’s brainwave measures for delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma rhythms.

Shop products using the EMF technology studied:
Cress Sprouts Growth Test
Please note: the following study was conducted on a Harmonizer offered on our sister-site, You'll see the research references the "EMF Harmonizer+" and "EMF Harmony." The underlying technology we use for our Carbon+ EMF Harmonizer Chip on is the same technology as in the EMF Harmonizer+, just installed into a different material (carbon). The baseline energetic influence remains the same.
This test provides a visual demonstration of the negative effects of EMF radiation on the growth of cress sprouts, and how the EMF Harmonizer+ minimized these negative effects. The test includes sprouts grown next to a WiFi router emitting measurable EMF radiation, and a control group of sprouts grown 8 feet away with no exposure to EMF radiation. On the left is a picture of the sprouts grown next to the router without EMF protection, and on the right are the sprouts grown with the Harmonizer+ on the router.
View complete study, including pictures of the sprouts under various growing conditions
Shop products using the EMF technology studied:
Case Study with High-Tech Couple
Please note: the following study was conducted on a Harmonizer offered on our sister-site, You'll see the research references the "EMF Harmonizer+" and "EMF Harmony." The underlying technology we use for our Carbon+ EMF Harmonizer Collection on is the same technology as in the EMF Harmonizer+, just installed into a different material (carbon). The baseline energetic influence remains the same.
In this case study a middle-aged couple exposed to EMF radiation throughout their lives were tested before and after being provided with EMF Harmony products for their devices and home. Their EMF stressors included frequent use of cell phones, laptops, iPads; a "smart house" full of wireless networks, appliances, gadgets; one electric and one hybrid car; and solar panels on the home with a converter. The testing included a thorough physical/neurological/functional exam and comprehensive blood panel. The notable improvements in their health are detailed in the report.
Products using the EMF technology studied:
- Carbon+ EMF Harmonizer Chip for cell phones and Wi-Fi routers
- Carbon+ Home Harmonizer
- Carbon+ Car Harmonizer
Gas Discharge Visualization Test
Please note: the following study was conducted on a bracelet offered on our sister-site, You'll see the research references the "Mobility+ Bracelet" and "EMF Harmony." The technology we use for the Pure Light Cuff and Pure Light Pendant on is exactly the same technology as in the Mobility+ Bracelet, just installed into a different design. The energetic influence remains the same, the look is the only difference.
The graphs below are the results of a gas discharge visualization (GDV) test on a healthy subject, with the orange representing the default state of the subject and the violet representing the state of the subject after wearing the EMF Harmony Mobility+ bracelet for 4 minutes. Significant improvements are shown in all areas, most notably reduced stress, increased energy, and better organ balance.
Shop products using the EMF technology studied:

Double-Blind Study on No Worries Biofield Therapy
A third party research institute in Europe conducted a study on the calming / relaxing effect of the No Worries Energy Pearls, one of the Biofield Therapy products from Life Harmony Energies. This study uses the gold standard for such research - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled methodology.
The study is based on extensive statistical analyses of 5 health measurements taken on 12 test subjects in 2 different testing scenarios - with the real product and with a placebo product. The report concludes that the product "influenced the vegetative nervous system in a calming (relaxing) manner while raising the tone of the somatic system".
The study involved the test subjects drinking water from the Life Harmony Energies Harmonizing Water Bottle in which the No Worries Energy Pearls had been dissolved. After a period of 30 minutes enough of the health parameters being measured had a statistically significant change compared to the placebo case that the evidence was conclusive that the calming / relaxing effects were in fact demonstrated.
Shop products using No Worries energy studied:

Water Crystal Analysis
The world-renowned Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto pioneered the microscopic analysis of water crystals using high-speed photography. Water is directly influenced by the energy it is exposed to, as is all matter (including humans). Using water crystal photography, we can directly observe the effects of positive or negative energy on water by plainly seeing its crystalline structure (or lack thereof).
Life Harmony Energies commissioned a laboratory in Switzerland to use Emoto-style water crystal photography to take pictures of water that had been exposed to the various energy stories in its products. Below is an example image of water from the tap and water that has been harmonized by the Life Harmony Energies Home Water Harmonizer.
Shop products using the energy studied:
Beneficial Cellular Effects from My Way Energy
A third party research institute in Germany did an analysis of the effects on human cells in vitro when mixed with water that had been energized with the My Way energy story from Life Harmony Energies. The results were based on a comparison of the energized (informed) water with water from the same source that had not been energized.
The study examined three aspects of cellular health - basal cell metabolism, cell regeneration, and endogenous generation of radicals. There was a statistically significant difference found in all aspects. The report concludes that based on the results of the analysis, the energized water could be used "to increase individual vitality and performance, to shorten recovery phases after physical burden/overload and to improve well-being".
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that the bio-resonance technology from Life Harmony Energies has a physically demonstrable and positive effect on human cells. This is to counter the arguments that the effectiveness of our bio-resonance technology is all "in the head" or based on a placebo effect. This study was not to demonstrate that the My Way energy story is effective in accomplishing its goals, which is another type of study altogether.
Shop products using My Way energy studied:
Electrodermal Research Study
Please note: the following study was conducted on a bracelet offered on our sister-site, You'll see the research references the "Mobility+ Bracelet" and "EMF Harmony." The technology we use for the Pure Light Cuff and Pure Light Pendant on is exactly the same technology as in the Mobility+ Bracelet, just installed into a different design. The energetic influence remains the same, the look is the only difference.
The graphs below are samples from an electrodermal testing research study showing the results of one subject measured when making a cell phone call without (top) and with (bottom) an EMF Harmony Mobility+ bracelet. The results indicate that all of the measured parameters were below the optimal levels without the bracelet, and they all reached an optimal level with the bracelet. Similar results were found for all five test subjects.
Shop products using the EMF technology studied:
Ageless Skin Care Study
A third party research institute in Germany discovered that the use of Ageless Body Spray helps to improve the typical characteristics of the ageing process in the skin and the underlying connective tissue. Not only the vitality of the cells was improved, but also their regeneration and protection against unwanted environmental influences (like UV radiation, air pollution, etc.). In addition, Ageless Body Spray was also able to reduce a local excess of oxygen radicals in the tissue significantly vs. untreated controls. This excess of radicals can be found in inflammatory processes or during secondary wound healing.