Sound Asleep Energy Token

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Energy Token for Rest & Relaxation

Product Details

  • Add a dose of ahhhh so you can relax and deeply rest when it's time to go to sleep.
  • Hand-crafted from Styrian Chestnut and infused with our proprietary Sound Asleep energy
  • 1 1/4" diameter, 3/16" thick
  • Whatever comes in contact with the token receives the energy
  • Slip it into your pocket, wallet, or handbag - or do it like the Europeans do and place the token in your bra over your heart


I am relaxed and ease into a sound sleep that lasts until it is time to awaken in the morning.


  1. Nerve-well - Balances nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects are in a normal state.
  2. Balance -The energy system is balanced, removing blockages, excesses, and deficiencies. Balances yin/yang energy.
  3. Body Protection - Be protected from negative energetic influences of all kinds.
  4. Yang Energy -The chestnut tree is infused with yang energy and relates to the fire element. It's symbolic of a long life and the ability to attune to and receive ancient wisdom. With regards to metaphysical healing, it's tied to the stomach, spleen and kidneys.

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