In the Zone Energy Pearls

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In the Zone Energy Pearls help both your mind and your body perform to their fullest potential, focusing your personal biofield energy that is all around you to support your every endeavor.

Just 15 pearls per day is enough to make a profound difference. One bottle is enough for 6 weeks. The 3-pack is enough for 4 months. Dissolve the pearls in harmonized water and drink throughout your day. The energy from the pearls resonates with the energy in your biofield, making subtle but powerful improvements that will help you bring your intentions to life.

The energy in the pearls will go to work immediately to influence your energetic state in a beneficial way according to its targeted effects. You may notice changes right away, but it will generally take a few weeks for the energy to bring your biofield to its optimal level.

But don't forget, you must use the Harmonizing Water Bottle to make it all work! And you can also use an Energy Disc for added energetic OOMPH.

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