In the Zone
On This Page
- Guru Tips - advice from the Guru on how to bring the story into your life faster, deeper, and longer
- Instructions - how to use your Energy Spray, Disc, Pearls and Token
- FAQs - answers to frequently asked questions about using your In the Zone energy story
Guru Tips
There are three techniques for bringing the transformative power of the In the Zone energy story into your life in a deeper, more meaningful way – intention, attention, and affirmation. Adding these simple practices is like adding energy to the energy, magnifying and intensifying its effect. As with anything in life, the more energy you put into it, the more you get out of it.
Do you have to add these practices into your Energy Therapy program? No, you don’t, the energy in your In the Zone story will do plenty to bring you into a sate of peak performance on its own. But the practices are so simple, require so little effort, and take so little time, that it’s definitely worth trying. So read on…
Life Force Energy
The Life Force Energy of the universe is the invisible but powerful foundation from which all of life manifests – and that includes you! Your body, your mind, and your spirit all emanate from this pervasive energy field, so if you want to make changes, making them there is the fastest, most effective way.
This is what the Life Harmony Energies bio-resonance process is all about. Our Energy Therapy stories send beneficial energetic frequencies into your energy field to initiate positive change. But the trick of sending positive energy to resonate with and change your biofield can be done in other ways as well - namely through a bit of mindfulness practice.
What happens in your mind influences your emotions, and both your thoughts and feelings have a powerful influence on your energy. So mindfulness is simply the practice of taking control of your thoughts so that they create positive emotions and subsequently positive energy in your biofield.
What's known as the Law of Attraction has a strong influence on your energetic state. Simply put, it means that what you hold in your thoughts and emotions is what will manifest in your life. If they are negative they will manifest as undesirable events in your life, and if they are positive they will manifest as a life of joy, contentment, and the fulfillment of your dreams!
So by using the mindfulness techniques described below you can shift your thoughts and feelings in a positive direction, synchronizing with and adding power to your In the Zone Energy Therapy. And it's a positive feedback loop - the more positivity you create within yourself the more positive changes will manifest in your life and the easier it becomes to create even more positive energy.
All it takes is a little stillness and a little concentration of the mind – and the effects can be profound!
When you want the Life Force Energy to work with you, it is important to tell it that. Intention is how you do it - simply visualizing in your mind the changes that you want in your life. Start with the reasons that led you to choose the In the Zone energy story and then picture how that is going to change:
- Focus & productivity – Do you want better concentration, comprehension, and achievement in your endeavors? Simply imagine yourself in that state, completely immersed in and at one with whatever activity you are undertaking. Picture yourself totally absorbed in it and completely ignoring any and all distractions. Then visualize what the successful outcome of that activity looks like in your life.
- Creativity & clarity – Do you want more inspiration and vision, a clearness of mind where achievement just surfaces on its own? Just close your eyes and visualize what that looks like as it happens. Imagine your mind as a blank canvas filled with light where only positive energy reigns. Then picture your ideas and inspiration just percolating up from this energy field. The Life Force Energy is the source of all your creativity, so let it know how you want it to unfold!
- Physical performance – Do you want to operate and compete at peak performance in your athletic endeavors? Imagine yourself doing just that, and what your surroundings will look like and how you will feel. Feel your body and your mind unified and balanced in complete focus on your performance. What you're really after is forgetting both body and mind so that all your energy is fixed on your goal, so visualize that!
These are just a few examples, but you get the idea. Setting your intention is easy – simply stop for a minute or two every day and practice the visualization. That’s it, just a minute or two! First thing in the morning when you wake up and as you are laying down to sleep are great times to do it.
And of course when you are about to perform or start a new task is the perfect time to set your intention as well. Just take a moment to step away from it, close your eyes, and visualize. Tell the Life Force Energy the way you want it to be – and it will listen!
Another very effective technique for adding power to your energy work is to give it positive feedback. The more you notice the changes in your life, the more you reinforce the positive vibrations of the energy behind them. So pay attention!
After you set your intention, just sit for an extra 30 seconds and feel how you feel. When the visualization is over, simply be still and notice how it lingers. And then think back through your day about how it was different from before. Notice if you felt more concentrated, creative, productive, like you performed a little better than before.
If you practice paying attention to the changes, you will find them. And when you do it will bring you a little jolt of happiness and relief – and that jolt adds even more energy to the entire process of transformation, which adds up over time in a very beneficial way!
An affirmation is a lot like setting your intention, only it’s verbal instead of visual. It is simply one or two sentences that you repeat to yourself – usually silently, but out loud is certainly good also. As with intention, an affirmation sends a strong signal to the Life Force Energy about what you want to happen. And when you say it consistently and with real commitment, it will definitely manifest!
Here are few examples of affirmations related to the In the Zone energy story that may resonate with you. But by all means feel free to create your own as well. And one or two sentences is enough, because you want to commit it to memory and repeat it several times a day. Right before you visualize your intention is a great time – but any time is really a great time!
- In gratitude, trust and confidence I walk guarded and protected on my way.
- Knowing that all experiences and encounters in my life are meant to be, it is easy for me to walk my way comfortably and securely.
- All bridges I cross and all obstacles I overcome are part of my path and lead me to greater fulfillment.
- I align my energy with the flow of the Universe so that I move gracefully toward happiness, success, and prosperity.
- I fill my being with love and light, flooding myself with positive energy so that negative energy has nowhere to go.
- I am grateful for who I am and have full confidence in my future, knowing with certainty that the Life Force Energy of the Universe will protect and reward me.
An Important Note
When trying to shift yourself into a state of focus, clarity, and performance there are two important things to remember:
- Negative energy is always a distraction, whereas positive energy provides clarity and inspiration. Thus it is important to work on decreasing your negative energy and increasing your positive energy.
- A calm mind is a focused mind, so practicing mindfulness can be very helpful in increasing your performance.
Let's discuss these two points. First, it is important to be on the lookout for negative energy in your life that may be distracting you. Your mind is easily led astray when anxiety is present, so identifying and removing stress-inducing people, places, and events can be a huge help in maintaining a mental state that is optimal for performance. If you have a difficult time managing anxiety and stress, you may want to consider using the No Worries energy story in combination with In the Zone.
And using your intention and affirmation practice to focus on filling yourself with positive energy will also help. Negative energy thrives on creating more negative energy, so if it comes to you and finds you full of positive energy it will simply turn around and go away. Breathing love and light into your being, expressing gratitude for all of your gifts, and picturing yourself with a person or in a place that you really love are all great ways to fill yourself with positive energy.
Lastly, it is always helpful to work on keeping your mind clear and calm. Being consistent about the intention and affirmation practices discussed above is a great first step. You can also take it a step further by meditating for a short time each day - even 5 or 10 minutes can make a significant difference.
The idea is to practice mindfulness by paying attention to the thoughts and emotions that spontaneously appear in your mind. When you notice them, simply acknowledge them and let them go, and let your mind return to a state of calmness and clarity. This is what meditation is all about - but it doesn't have to be done sitting on a cushion, you can do it anytime or anywhere. Especially right before you are wanting to focus, perform, or be creative is the ideal time.
You definitely have the inner strength to quiet your mind into a state of serenity and positivity. The In the Zone energy will provide the wind at your back, so relax, feel the positive energy, and perform at your very best!
Instructions for Use
Using the Essential Oil Roll-On:
- Apply as needed to the temples and the back of the neck at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra.
Using the Energy Spray:
- Spray 6 sprays in the mouth and 4 sprays on the back of the neck.
- Ideally split between morning and evening applications.
- You may use the spray as often as you feel the need. Trust your intuition and the feeling of your energy state to guide you. There is no possibility of "too much."
Using the Energy Disc - There are a number of ways you can use your energy disc:
- Use it as a coaster for your Harmonizing Water Bottle so its energy is transferred into the water as you drink.
- Place drinks or food on it for 30 seconds before you consume them. Although it may be smaller than a plate of food, it will still transfer its energy to whatever is on the plate. And it makes an excellent coaster!
- Place your jewelry on it before you wear it, or simply keep it in your jewelry box.
- Carry it in your pocket.
- Sleep with it under your pillow.
- Or anything else you can think of!
The Energy Disc may be used to supplement an energy story you are taking via the Energy Spray or Pearls, or it may be used on its own. It doesn't have the same "strength" as using the spray or pearls, but it definitely has an effect. It can be a great way to add an extra energy story into your life if you are already taking one or two stories using the spray or pearls.
Using the Energy Pearls:
- Take 15 pearls daily dissolved in 2 to 3 bottles of water using the Harmonizing Water Bottle. Give the pearls 5 minutes or so to dissolve before you start drinking. Drink the water throughout the course of your day.
- There are a few ways you can do this:
- Put 5 pearls in the bottle, drink it, fill the bottle again, put 5 pearls in it, drink it, repeat one more time.
- Put 8 pearls in the bottle, drink it, fill the bottle again, put 7 pearls in it, drink it.
- Put all 15 pearls in the bottle at once, and when you have drunk about 2/3 of it, fill it to the top again, drink another 2/3, fill again, etc. Do this 3 or more times throughout the day.
- If you are using two energy stories at the same time, divide the pearls between the two stories. So you are still taking 15 or 16 pearls per day, but half of one story and half of the other.
The energy in the pearls will go to work immediately to influence your energetic state in a beneficial way according to its targeted effects. You may notice changes right away, but it will generally take a few weeks for the energy to bring your biofield to its optimal level. Be consistent and mindful in using the pearls (and ideally the Guru Tips above), for regular use is important for them to be effective. That means every day!
Using the Energy Token:
- Whatever the token comes into contact with receives the energy.
- The possibilities are endless - carry it in your pocket or purse, keep it in your jewelry box, place it under your pillow while you’re sleeping.
- In only 30 seconds the health-promoting energy is transferred, and then from there into you!
- Or do it like the Europeans do and wear the token in your bra over your heart.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How long until I will feel a difference? That depends a lot on where you're starting from and how consistent and committed you are to using the product(s), but most people will notice small changes in a matter of days and a significant difference in a matter of weeks.
- What do you mean by consistent and committed? This relates to the Energy Pearls, where it is important to use the pearls every day and follow the instructions for drinking them over 2 to 3 bottles of water throughout the day (see instructions above). There are also other things you can do to deepen and improve the effects, as described above.
- Can I use different products and energy stories at the same time? Yes, please feel free to! A few notes:
- You can use any of the Energy Therapy products with our harmonizers with no issues.
- If you are using multiple energy stories (e.g. Health & Harmony, No Worries, My Way, etc.) we recommend starting with no more than 3 at a time, and if that feels good then add up to one more for a total of 4 at once. You can mix and match discs and pearls.
- Don't use the Energy Pearls for more than two different stories. When doing so use 8 pearls from each story per day.
- How do I get the pearls out of the small hole in the top of the bottle? If you are having a difficult time getting the pearls out of the bottle, feel free to remove the plastic insert in the top of the bottle and simply pour the pearls into your hand to count them out.
- Will energy therapy interfere with medicine or other treatments? No, since Energy Therapy is happening at the energetic level, it will not interfere with medications, which are happening at the physical level. If anything, it is likely to make your other treatments more effective.
- What are the Energy Pearls made of? They are made of Xylitol, a natural sweetener. You use so few that it doesn't noticeably change the taste of your water. You can learn more about Xylitol here.
- How long will a bottle of Energy Pearls last? One bottle will last 6 weeks taking 15 per day (approximately 630 pearls). Or if using two stories, then 12 weeks since you are dividing the 15 between the two stories.
- How long will an Energy Disc last? The energy within the Energy Disc will work indefinitely and does not diminish or "wear out."