Comparing Energy Bracelets: Ionic, Magnetic, and Holographic Technologies

by Marty Grosjean
Energy Bracelets

They go by different names: "Power Balance bands", "power bracelets", all designed to improve balance, boost athletic performance, even provide relief from lower back pain and arthritis, and even affect your mood, along with other health benefits and claims.

The ionic, magnetic, and holographic technologies contained in many of the energy bracelets currently being marketed to enhance sports performance and increase health and wellness have gained popularity as of late, but is such a thing possible from using these products?

Performance technology has been embraced by athletes and celebrities like Robert De Niro and Kate Middleton, and more consumers have started to explore the efficacy of wearing energy bracelets that purport to offer such a wide range of health benefits.

But is there credible scientific evidence to support these claims and do they truly make a significant difference in the wearer's overall well-being?

Let's compare the technologies that are found in these types of energy bracelets to determine if they provide real, helpful benefits or if wearers are receiving nothing more than a placebo effect instead.

Ionic Bracelets

The ionic bracelet is based on creating a balance between negative ions and positive ions which actually raises more questions than answers.

But the manufacturers of ionic bracelets tend to claim that wearing one of their products can stimulate an ionic shift in the body, increasing or decreasing negative and positive ions to improve mood, reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and have a beneficial effect on your energy levels for enhanced health and performance.

However, negative ions and positive ions exist only in the atmosphere. They are invisible molecules that contain electrical charges and negative ions are sourced naturally from the water, plants, and even the air we breathe. Positive ions are the result of pollution in the atmosphere, originating from factories, motor vehicles, even the electrical and electronic appliances we use on a daily basis as their waste products are belched into the air and into our homes. Heavily concentrated urban city centers are often rife with positive ions.

Establishing a balance between the two really only occurs in the air and environment around us, we inhale these negative and positive ions everyday. By now, you’ve probably guessed that negative ions are good for us and positive ions are not. Introducing negative ions into your body and your bloodstream by taking in long and refreshing deep breaths in clean and crisp environments far from polluted areas can have a reinvigorating effect on your physical and mental well being.

Taking in negative ions can offer a much-needed boost of serotonin. The use of negative ion generators as a means for administering therapies with negative ions to bring about positive health outcomes is a very real solution to dealing with stress, anxiety, and fatigue. But the idea of receiving those same benefits by wearing a so-called “ionic” bracelet may have more of a placebo effect than any actual advantage backed by scientific proof.

The reason being that negative ions (and positive ions too) exist in the atmosphere. Even those negative ion therapy machines work by creating negative ions that are released into the air for the individual to inhale through the nose and mouth and into their bronchial tubes.

So how do ionic bracelets work? The designers of these products claim they imitate the effects that negative ions have on the body by wearing the bracelet on the wrist. But since negative ions are borne and taken from the atmosphere and drawn into the bloodstream through inhalation, the idea of enjoying the same benefit from a bracelet that does not produce nor emit negative ions but offers a similar effect in an alternative way is a dubious claim, at best.

Therefore, an ionic bracelet may only do as much good as the individual wearing one believes it does, but without actually receiving any real benefit. This is a placebo effect that is brought on more by marketing and the power of suggestion.

Magnetic Bracelets

Unlike the ionic bracelets that promise to improve health and boost performance, the use of a magnetic therapy has some proven benefits for the individual wearing one. Magnets as a form of healthcare for therapeutic purposes use the magnetic energy from the Earth as a foundation for the reason behind their efficacy. When the individual has lost his or her connection to the Earth’s natural magnetic field, the results can have negative, adverse effects on the body.

This form of therapy works by improving circulation as magnets have capabilities for attracting blood towards an area lacking in proper blood flow. Magnets have also been shown to reduce inflammation and swelling and relieve pain by introducing magnetic wavelengths into the affected area to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. These two benefits together are a major reason why magnetic therapy is a popular way to deal with arthritis and joint injury where inflammation prevents full use of the elbow, the knee, the wrist, you name it.

But placing magnets into a bracelet as a form of therapy for better health and wellness is not currently a proven form of holistic medicine and there is a distinct lack of scientific evidence to show that using a bracelet containing magnets has any discernible benefit in the short or long-term.

The designers of these products claim that using a magnetic bracelet offers all of the advantages of other traditional magnetic therapy methods. The body is made up of electric and magnetic fields and the proper application of magnets on the body relies on carefully considered methods for their placement and use in a therapeutic way. In some instances, the magnets may be electrically charged or combined with acupuncture to affect the desired results.

Magnets added to a bracelet and worn on the body may indeed have a desired effect but the extent of the benefit to the wearer is still a much-debated topic among doctors and experts. Can you wear a magnetic bracelet as a means for beneficial therapy? Yes. Will you gain the positive benefits of that therapy in any greater or lesser measure than other methods of magnetic therapy? There is no scientific evidence to support that claim at this time.

You may or may not actually feel a difference from wearing a magnetic bracelet.

Holographic Bracelets

These are sold on the market as “Power Balance” bracelets, offering performance-enhancing capabilities using the body’s natural energies to boost strength and endurance. Studies were conducted to investigate claims the manufacturers were making about their efficacy and the ability for holograms to have any sort of benefit on the human body. Such claims have since been debunked, despite the many endorsements from athletes and celebrities.

By comparison, the idea of using the body’s natural energy field is not a new concept and, when applied to scientifically proven technologies that incorporate tenets of traditional Chinese medicinal techniques, the body’s life force energy (or the biofield) can be a valuable method for improving and preserving human health and wellness.

The proper flow of energy in the body is an important and powerful ally for optimal health but only when you're using a form of technology that actually gives you a real and beneficial result.

Bioresonance Technology

Our bracelets, necklaces, and pendants have all been infused with bioresonance energy through a proprietary charging process that offers an infinite source of protective bioenergetic frequencies that work to benefit your health and wellness on a cellular level.

This technology has been created as a means for manipulating the biofield to strengthen and enhance the cells of the body. These bio-frequencies stimulate the cells’ natural healing processes to shield them against oxidative stress that can occur from exposure to harmful negative energies found in EMF radiation and reawaken the mitochondria in cells that are affected by age for renewal properties in the skin and various bodily systems that lack proper cellular energy and behavior.

Our cells are made up of vibrating particles that can become damaged with time and when under the influence of poisonous radiation that threatens to impact health and well-being associated with basic human biology.

Unlike many of the other types of technology listed above, bioresonance has long been a trusted and dependable means of therapy in a variety of healthcare industries and capabilities.

See for Yourself

Energy bracelets can be a useful component of a healthy, happy lifestyle. Choosing the right bracelet to meet your needs is paramount to personal wellness success. Life Harmony Energies has been dedicated to developing bioresonance technology for the American consumer to put this innovative form of healthcare within reach to those who need it most.

Browse our collection of energy bracelets to see how bioresonance can benefit you and your loved ones. We invite you to explore our products and see how they can circumvent the harmful impacts of negative energy by reducing stress and anxiety, warding off EMF radiation, grounding you to the Earth's natural energy, and offering immune support on a cellular level.