Energy Bracelets for Children and Teens: Safety and Efficacy

by Marty Grosjean
Energy Bracelets

Our biofield or the life force energy that exists in all of us is a powerful ally for protecting our health and well being. Many studies have been conducted to better understand how the biofield plays a role in preserving human health in the physical, psychological, and emotional aspects of wellness.

Researchers found that bioresonance technology has a significant effect for promoting a positive desired health outcome to the individual through the biofield. This is why we have embedded bio-energetic frequencies into every piece of energy jewelry in our collection through a proprietary energizing process that provides the wearer with an infinite source of healing and protective energetic properties. Either on its own or paired with conventional medicines, bioresonance offers a therapeutic advantage with a myriad of benefits.

That includes our line of energy bracelets which utilize bioresonance energy as a way to boost overall physical health, protect against the dangers of EMF radiation, promote spiritual growth, and improve mental and emotional wellness through positive energy. These attributes are important for adults but they hold an even greater importance for children and teens who are much more susceptible to the physical and psychological dangers that energy bracelets can help protect against on a daily basis.

Children and Teens at Risk: The Holistic Solution to Better Health

Taking a holistic approach to diagnosing and treating many cognitive and neurological disorders that are becoming more common in adults uses all-natural remedies for improving health and wellness. The holistic method considers every aspect of the individual's life to determine the cause of illness instead of merely addressing the symptoms.

This is particularly critical for protecting the health of children and teens who are at risk for increased exposure to EMF radiation emitted from all of the electronic devices that populate our lives and promoting positive mental health outcomes for those who suffer from depression and anxiety.

Energy bracelets infused with bioresonance energy can offer a holistic solution that works by interacting with and manipulating the biofield of the individual wearing the bracelet.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Individuals who suffer from the effects of electromagnetic hypersensitivity demonstrate symptoms associated with consistent and routine long-term exposure to extremely low frequency EMF and RF signals that surround us 24/7. Cell phones, tablets, wifi routers, telephone lines, smart appliances, and even the computer components in most modern vehicles all emit intense and relentless EMF radiation around the clock.

Adults can feel these symptoms with varying intensity but for children and teens, the effects can be increasingly more intense and pose long-term adverse health consequences. The most common indications of prolonged exposure to EMFs include nausea, exhaustion, lack of focus, migraine-level headaches, extreme mood swings, confusion and skin irritation. There is also increased risk of carcinogenic impacts on human tissue over the long-term and since children and teens’ bodies and brains are still in the developmental stages, they can feel the effects of these adverse health consequences more readily from a young age. Their skull walls are thinner and their tissues absorb energy from EMF radiation from devices in their immediate vicinity, particularly from cell phones, gaming devices and headsets, and exposure to smart televisions and other appliances in the home that see daily use.

Emotional and Spiritual Wellness

Bioresonance has been in use as an alternative therapy for treating depression and other cognitive disorders for over fifty years. Positive energy has been shown to have significant results when used for treating mild to moderate symptoms of depression. The frequencies emitted from the bracelet worn around the wrist enter the body through a meridian at this area of the body.

The bioenergetic frequencies interact with the individual's life force energy to stimulate the body's natural healing biorhythms to intervene at the cellular level. This energetic process also plays a role in the spiritual realm for positive thinking and self-esteem and confidence. Positive energies can improve one's self-worth and when bioresonance technology increases the influence of other gemstones to promote empowerment and protect the wearer from negative energies that sow self-doubt, this provides significant value to the individual who has chosen to incorporate bioresonance into his or her daily life.

The Benefits of Bioresonance for Children and Teens

In both of the examples above - EMF protection and emotional and spiritual wellness - energy bracelets infused with bioresonance technology can give young children and teens an advantage when dealing with prolonged exposure to EMF radiation or want to treat depression or anxiety with something other than harsh prescription medications.

Since bioresonance technology works on a cellular level, it may be hard at first to feel any sort of difference in well-being after wearing one of our energy bracelets. But everyone is different, some individuals may be more susceptible to feeling electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms than others. It doesn't mean the bracelet isn't working nor does it mean you aren't receiving the benefits of the jewelry each and every time you wear it on your wrist.

The frequencies emitted from the bracelet are interacting with your biofield at a cellular or subatomic level, so you can't see the interactions taking place. But, before long, your teen or child may start to feel better in a whole different way. The symptoms of EMF exposure are reduced, no more headaches, fatigue, or mood swings, while feelings of depression, anxiety, and uncertainty or doubt oneself start to diminish as the bioresonance enters the body and flows freely with your natural life force energy, stimulating the cells and restoring their natural functionality and restorative processes.

Alternative Bioresonance Therapy from Life Harmony Energies

Each energy bracelet is an infinite source of bioresonance energy that works to harmonize the surrounding negative energies found in EMF radiation while stimulating and boosting the cells of the body, triggering their natural restorative and recovery processes to allow the body's own capabilities for better health and improved wellness to take effect.

Children and teens are increasingly more prone to being adversely affected by negative energy in their everyday lives. Wearing one of our energy bracelets can give your child or teen the bio-energetic boost they've been missing.