The Science Behind Energy Necklaces: Do They Really Work?

by Marty Grosjean
Energy Bracelets

Wearing energy necklaces like those we offer at Life Harmony Energies can provide you with the valuable and beneficial energetic empowerment for living the life you want. Our clients have chosen these necklaces for protection against EMF radiation and engaging them further along their spiritual journey.

Each of our necklaces has been energetically infused through a proprietary charging process resulting in an infinite source of energetic frequencies to safeguard your overall health and physical and emotional well-being.

Our collection of necklaces provides the energetic support you need whenever you want it. But how does this form of energy jewelry work and how can you tell if these are the right devices for you and your lifestyle? We have put more than two decades of research and development into the creation of our energy necklaces and the results speak for themselves. Backed by scientific evidence identifying the positive benefits of these energies on the human body by targeting and manipulating the biofield, our energetically charged products can make a significant impact on your health and wellness.

The Biofield and How it Helps You Thrive

The biofield comprises the life force energy that flows through every living thing. Traditional Chinese medicinal techniques such as acupuncture, therapeutic massage, reflexology, Tai Chi, and herbal products are all based on preserving the proper flow of life force energies throughout the body. Ensuring the uninterrupted flow of energy stimulates the body's natural healing processes and increases immunity against the most potential harmful effects that can have a devastating impact on your body and your overall health.

Many users who wear our energy necklaces will choose to do for multiple reasons but, in every instance, our necklaces (and other such products available in our collection) support your body and well-being through the energy levels that are emitted from the pendants and necklaces you're wearing around your neck.

Regions of the body such as the neck and the wrists are vital meridian entry points where the energetic frequencies in our products enter your complex internal meridian network, tasked with distributing the life force energy throughout the body. Promoting the naturally occurring flow of this energy is crucial for protecting you against sickness and long-term illnesses that can have debilitating symptoms.

When the biofield is working in complete and total harmony to maintain health and reduce the impacts of outside negative influences, you are better protected for a greater quality of life. The energy contained in our necklaces is a vital component of that support.

Valuable Insights

The energetic information contained in our necklaces and pendants works to help you achieve personal growth and achievement by stimulating a greater sense of self-esteem and boosting your confidence towards a higher state of consciousness and a better understanding of who you are and what you want out of life. Only you are capable of setting and reaching the objectives that are important to you and turning intention into action is your sole responsibility.

The Everlasting Charm Necklace uses four different forms of positive energy to direct these energetic affirmations into alignment with your personal life force energy and open your mind and heart to welcome and embrace success, however you choose to define it. Wearing one of these necklaces supports your personal evolution to help you thrive amidst the challenges that might seem difficult to navigate or downright insurmountable at first glance, but inform and further mold your evolutionary process as you realize the individual you were always meant to be.

The energetic frequencies emanating from the necklace you’ve chosen to wear provide an infinite source of energetic support that combines with your life force energy to instill greater calm and clarity in all facets of your personality and true inner self. Positive energy intermingling with your biofield is a powerful combination that can overcome self-doubt, anxiety, and the personal turmoil that often comes with a lack of direction or ambition towards spiritual achievement and effecting positive change for the present and the future.

EMF Protection Pendants and Charms

The ever-present dangers arising from consistent, routine electromagnetic radiation exposure coming from our electronic devices like cell phones, tablets, laptops, wi-fi routers, and 5G network towers has made it all the more vital to incorporate safe and reliable protection in our daily lives.

Life Harmony Energies understands the severity of the harmful effects from long-term EMF exposure on an individual's physical and emotional well-being and that's why our energy necklaces use bioresonance technology to offer complete, dual-level protection against the constant threat of electromagnetic radiation that comes from so many consumer products in this day and age.

Our EMF radiation protection necklaces use bioresonance technology to safeguard your health and wellness from all of the most common EMF radiation sources that are such a major part of our daily lives. The energetic frequencies contained in our energy necklaces serve a dual purpose to decrease the intensity and the damage done by long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields radiation. The bioresonance frequencies in our necklaces target the negative energy levels found in EMFs while increasing the body's natural healing processes at the cellular level with "Direct" and "Adaptive" technologies, respectively.

Direct Technology

Think of all the electronic devices that you use or interact with on a daily basis. That might include your cell phone, computer or tablet, wi-fi router, smartwatch, gaming system, maybe a smart TV or some other so-called 'smart' appliance, perhaps your car is an electric vehicle containing a wide array of electronic components. Scientific evidence has shown that all of these devices emit significant levels of EMF radiation that can cause a variety of symptoms including headaches, fatigue, anxiety, depression, skin irritation, and increased risks of carcinogenic diseases, just to name a few.

But the energy necklaces in our collection can offer you EMF radiation protection that harmonizes the dangerous energy contained within those EMF's, thus decreasing the negative effects of their influence. The bioenergetic frequencies that are constantly emitted from the necklace when you wear it around your neck come into contact with the negative energy of the radiation and reduce its impact.

Adaptive Technology

Those same bioenergetic frequencies that are harmonizing the negative energy of the radiation around you and neutralizing their harmful effects are also working to boost your body's immunity on the inside, at the cellular level. Remember how the neck was a major meridian entry point in the body? Wear an energy necklace on your body and those energetic frequencies enter the meridian network and intermingle with the life force energy inside of you, boosting the immunity of your cells for reduced stress from the impacts of EMF radiation.

This non-invasive method for stimulating the natural healing processes of the cells and strengthening their immune responses against the toxicity of electromagnetic radiation is an ideal source of EMF protection in an environment where EMFs are a constant threat to your well-being.

Protect Your Health Against EMF Radiation Exposure

This modern world is only growing more technologically advanced with faster and smaller devices designed for speed, convenience, and increased connectivity. But the basic safety standards of these devices fail to account for the unseen damage they can do in the short-term and long-term alike as EMF exposure is turning into a serious, worldwide concern.

The consumer products we all purchase and use every day are making us sick with negative energy levels that are unprecedented in our history. Put our proprietary bioresonance technology to work in safeguarding you and your family's health.

Energy Necklaces and You

Consider all of the ways that our energy necklaces can improve your spiritual outlook while also protecting your physical and mental wellness. Now browse our collection of necklaces to see which one serves your needs and matches your style. The choice you make today can have a lasting impact on the quality of your life tomorrow and for many years to come.