Carbon+ Harmonizer Plate Instructions & FAQs

Instructions for Use

The Carbon+ Harmonizer Plate is ready to use when you receive it. Simply place food, liquids, and even objects like your jewelry on the plate for approximately 60 seconds to fully harmonize their energy.

The plate is made of energized carbon, so it's scratch-resistant and easy to clean with warm water and soap. Please do not put it in the dishwasher. You may place warm pots and pans on the plate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I harmonize with the plate?

  • Really anything that fits on the plate can be harmonized. Here are some common examples:
    • A bag of groceries before you unpack them.
    • A plate of food, a glass of water, coffee, tea, etc.
    • A pot or pan containing cooked food.
    • Supplements and medicine.
    • Makeup and body care products.
    • Cleaning products you use in your home.
    • Your jewelry before you wear it.
    • Even new clothing!

How do I clean the plate?

  • Simply wash it with warm water and soap. Please do not put it in the dishwasher.

How long will the energy in the plate last?

  • The plate's energy will last indefinitely. It does not wear out or need to be "recharged."